Centre Holidays - Redefining Travel

10 Beautiful Islands You Must Visit

White sandy beaches, turquoise waters, intimate... these islands boast something that leave travellers enchanted making them want to return again for more.

Santorini, Greece

1. Santorini, Greece

Phuket, Thailand

2. Phuket, Thailand

Maui, Hawaii

3. Maui, Hawaii

Mauritius, Africa

4. Mauritius, Africa

Bora Bora, French Polynesia

5. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Seychelles, Africa

6. Seychelles, Africa

Bali, Indonesia

7. Bali, Indonesia

Maldives, Asia

8. Maldives, Asia

Fiji, South Pacific

9. Fiji, South Pacific

Cook Islands, South Pacific

10. Cook Islands, South Pacific

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Courtney Mohr - Voyage Limoges Travel